Grow, Harvest, Preserve.

For a very limited time, get

The Little Green Shoot Guide To Onions!

Learn the simple steps you need to never buy onions at the store again!


"The Little Green Shoot's Guide to Onions is well worth the read! So informative with beautiful photographs. Full of stuff I didn’t even realize I needed to know. After reading this I feel fully confident to grow, harvest, and preserve onions! Love the bonus salsa recipe too!"

-Crystal Magill, Beginning Home Gardener


Now updated to include video!

Conveniently located at the end of this guide, are 13 videos to quickly and easily guide you through the process...

  • 13 short, quick, easy to follow videos gathered from my content all across internet land to show you the quickest, easiest ways to do this proven process
  • In less than an hour, learn how to to plant, grow, harvest, use, and preserve your own home grown onions, even in the city


Do you know why these onions fell down?

This updated guide will show you exactly what this secret message from the onions is trying to tell you.

It will also tell you:

  • What varieties to plant to last all year
  • Which types of onions to grow
  • Which organic fertilizers to use
  • My favorite tool for planting
  • How to know when to harvest
  • How to harvest
  • How to cure to make sure your onions last all year, so you can skip the store all together
  • How to use your ends and bits
  • How to use parts of the onion you might otherwise throw away


Everything you need to know about growing, harvesting, and preserving onions. Even in the city.

Get the guide and start planting!

  • Visualize and plan what you need to start growing your own onions
  • Discover why you don't need to buy onions from the store anymore
  • Explore organic fertilizers, and choose the one that's right for you
  • Learn proven ways of harvesting to increase the shelf life of your onions
  • Try out my amazing salsa recipe using your fresh, home grown onions
  • Try out different ways of preserving your onions to last all year

Carly has hit it out of the ballpark with this Onion Guide. Chock full
of information in an easy to read format, it will  help any gardener
from novice to experienced feel like a professional onion grower. It
answers all the questions I had and her list of resources and yummy
recipe are great bonuses. I look forward to seeing what comes next."  

-Mary Underwood, Firstfruits Cooperative CSA, Hopewell Farm

Learn how to grow, harvest, and preserve your own onions—in less than an hour!

Even in the city. Here's how.

Have you ever tasted a fresh, spicy, garden grown onion from your own backyard? Did you know you can actually grow your own AND keep them all year? It's easy, and this guide shows you exactly how to do it for yourself.

In less time than it will take you to drive to the grocery store and buy onions, you can read this guide and watch the videos to learn how to never have to buy them at the store again!

Many things can hold us—self doubt, lack of knowledge, lack of time, lack of money, lack of resources. That's why I created this guide. This quick, simple, easy to read guide will arm you with everything you need to start growing onions right away—even in the city!

This guide will cover everything from when to plant, what types to grow, organic fertilizers, how to harvest, and how to preserve your onions for the whole year! That means spending $0 at the grocery store on onions(Woo Hoo!). And of course I had to throw in my favorite Salsa recipe to get those onions used up right and proper!

Don't miss the resource section at the end of this guide, where I share all my favorite tools and supplies to get you started off right! You can do this, right where you are, even in the city!

"The guide was amazing! Huge value for retail price! To be honest, it was so helpful to me--I've been just keeping onions on the back burner, not having time to experiment with growing and now I'm going to start some seeds I've had sitting around waiting for me to research it. What a great resource! This product was perfect. Everything I need to know in one concise, easy-to-understand guide. I thought I was going to have to put planting onions on the back burner for another year, but now I feel confident to get them in the ground now! Thank you!"

-Nichole Ryan, Beginning Gardener

Hi, I'm Carly.

And I'd really love to help you grow.

I have been obsessed with plants as far back as I can remember. Starting with grinding up Snow Berries & Rhododendron blossoms to make “perfume” for my mom and aunt when I was little, to working in greenhouses and nurseries as a teenager.

However, wherever I lived never supported a garden: duplexes, fourplexes, houses so deep in the woods that no sun beam could ever sneak through. A house with sand for a backyard. A tiny lot in the city that hardly had space for our house. 

In 2012, I finally moved to a house in the city with a real yard! With sunshine, and a tiny garden patch next to the driveway. I fought the soil and weeds for five years. Then I finally switched to raised beds, and at age 38, my first real garden was born. 

Unfortunately, my health still kept me from my garden. A lifetime of chronic illness made it hard for me to do lots of things that most people can do easily. Like watering, weeding, and general tending. Over the years, I was able to learn how to set my garden up to thrive even when I couldn’t. I also read everything I could about my illness and tried to cure myself. I learned how to use herbs, fruits, and vegetables to help cure my chronic conditions, which made my own garden even more valuable.

The next problem I ran into was being overwhelmed by my harvests. I couldn’t use everything up before it went bad, and I felt terrible when things I grew went to waste. I started trying to learn and research how to garden more effectively and preserve my harvests, but it was so hard to find any good information! When I did finally find any, I gobbled it up with gusto, and found ways to make it work for me, a recovering lazy person, battling chronic illness. 

I started The Little Green Shoot first and foremost, to share my love of plants with the world. And secondly, to try to be the resource I wish I’d had for others. I want to show you how to make gardening easy and work for your lifestyle. I also want to teach you quick and easy ways to preserve your harvests and create your own mini homestead, even in the city. I am passionate about cooking and eating nourishing foods, and I love to find new ways to use what I grow or purchase in healthy, and sustainable ways.

Gardening is both an art and a science, and your skills and knowledge grow and evolve with you throughout your entire life. Your garden can be as big or small as you like. There will be good years and bad years, failures and successes, and that’s where both the growing and the fun happens. If you’ve ever thought of yourself as a failure in the garden, you’re not. If you’ve ever thought you would kill every plant, you won’t. If you’ve ever thought you can’t learn, you can. I’m here to teach you.

Wishing you all that is in your best good,

Carly MacQuarrie

"This guide answered every question I had (or didn't know I had) about growing and harvesting onions. I now also know where to buy onion sets so I am ready to plant this spring! Thank you, Carly, for this clear, concise and complete informational guide. I will reference it often!"

-Kristi Bowlby, Founder of This Meal by Design 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this cost?

I want to get this guide into the hands of as many beginning gardeners as possible! Which is why it is currently on sale for only $19. ($39 value)

Can I order a physical copy?

These products are all digital so you can have them instantly at your fingertips. Physical copies are great, too! If you'd like one, simply send the PDF off to your local printshop to have a copy made. They can even bind it for you if you'd like! You're also welcome to print it off from home.

How Will The Guide Be Delivered?

Within a few minutes of clicking the button, your guide should be delivered straight to your in box! Easy peasy.

Do I have to wait until spring to get started?

Onions can be grown both in spring, and fall. Here in the Pacific Northwest, they tend to be one of the first things I plant, in early February.